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Pingyin County People's Congress delegation visited our group's deep spring College inspection work


Pingyin County People's Congress delegation visited our group's deep spring College inspection

According to the work arrangement of the Standing Committee of the Pingyin County People's Congress, it is determined that the inspection activities of the members of the Standing Committee of the county People's Congress will be carried out on September 4。The activities are mainly divided into two stages: first, to examine the construction of key projects in the streets;The second is to hold a special symposium to focus on the construction of key projects, the development of economic work in the county, and consult the opinions of representatives。

Pingyin County People's Congress delegation visited our group's deep spring College inspection

At 9 o 'clock in the morning, the delegates came to Shandong Shenquan College。Dong Qiang, Secretary of the College, introduced to the delegates the construction of key engineering infrastructure of the college, such as complex building, stadium and student dormitory;The environment adaptation and learning situation of freshmen in 2019;Construction of teachers and other matters。

Pingyin County People's Congress delegation visited our group's deep spring College inspection

The representatives were full of praise for the infrastructure construction of the college and the planning and construction of the faculty team, and encouraged the college to maintain an excellent development momentum and create a new highlight of Pingyin education。
