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Leaders of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Jinan University visited our school for guidance and exchange


On the morning of September 11, leaders from the School of Mathematical Sciences of Jinan University came to our school for exchange and guidance, accompanied by Bei Guangyong, Executive Principal of Jinan Shenquan Foreign Language School, Manager of Shandong Teyibao Internet Technology Co., LTD., and Geng Xiangmin, Assistant president of Jinan Shenquan Foreign Language School and Director of the Party and Government Office。

Visit the playground

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Visit the middle school

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Visit the campus environment

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Visit the swimming pool

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After the visit, the leaders held a discussion on talent exchange。Huang Luying, general manager, and Bei Guangyong, President of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Jinan University, introduced the philosophy of Deep Spring School, the "Deep Spring Eight Education" characteristic education system and characteristic courses。

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At the symposium, Secretary Hou said that Deep Spring is one of the best schools he has ever seen, built such a scale school in a very short time, campus facilities, teacher development and other aspects are worth learning and learning from, I hope that in the future, how to make talent work bigger and stronger in-depth cooperation。Dean Guan said that Deep Spring has formed dislocation development and characteristic development in the development of Jinan schools, which is impressive;And put forward a variety of specific forms of talent development, hope to deep spring's dislocation development and characteristic development as a platform for multi-level talent work discussion and exchange。

The School of Mathematical Sciences of Jinan University and our University reached a cooperation intention on the internship employment of mathematics teachers, and signed an agreement for further cooperation in entrepreneurship training。

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Through the visit to the campus and the discussion and exchange, the leaders of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Jinan University fully affirmed and highly appreciated the development of our school, and said that Deep Spring will surely achieve better results under the guidance of advanced education concepts。

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